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Managed Firewalls

ITX Managed Firewall service shields organizations and their employees with enterprise-grade security for a fraction of the cost of a single security analyst

Software Engineers

How Can Our Managed Firewall Solution Assist You?

Enhanced Security and Performance

Stop harmful traffic, block unwanted access, and improve your network.

Improved Visibility
and Control

Understand and control what is going on in your network to increase productivity.


Reduce the amount of downtime caused by network disruptions or severe cyber assaults.

Compliance with Industry Standards

With our HIPAA and PCI-compliant firewall services, you can meet industry rules.


You can get enterprise-level security for a fraction of the cost of a single security analyst.

Expert 24/7 Monitoring and Support

With experienced monitoring and assistance, you can recognize and respond to risks quickly.


Learn how our managed firewall solution, in conjunction with Fortinet's integrated SD-WAN, makes enterprise-grade networking and cybersecurity services available to everyone.


ITX Managed Firewall Service Maintains Your Company's Cybersecurity

A properly maintained firewall is your company's first line of protection against Internet-based dangers. For today's ever-changing threat landscape, you require a properly configured and implemented next-generation firewall (NGFW). ITX professionals will setup, implement, administer, and monitor your next-generation firewall at an affordable price, freeing up resources to focus on mission-critical duties.

At the Office

Access to Our Security Professionals

Working with a managed firewall service provider gives you access to specialized, trained security analysts with extensive security knowledge. While in-house solutions might take years and thousands of dollars to mature, our entire managed firewalls service can be installed fast and deliver instant benefit to your organization.

Remote Monitoring

24/7 Device Monitoring and Management

We remotely monitor your firewall at the Security Operations Center (SOC) 24 hours a day, seven days a week as part of your Managed Firewalls service. Before informing you, we validate security incidents in the SOC. This significantly reduces the frequency of false positives, lowering expenses and increasing efficiency. In addition, the team will manage all firmware updates and administrative configuration.

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MDR (Managed Detection and Response)

Managed Detection and Response augments existing firewall controls with dedicated security analysts who use context, deep security understanding, and expertise, along with today's advanced technology, to detect threats that other technologies miss and to orchestrate a rapid, coordinated, and effective response to threats.

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Detection and prevention of network intrusions

ITX's Managed Firewall solution can identify and prevent known threats like as malware and viruses, as well as zero-day assaults, thanks to Intrusion Detection (IDS) and Intrusion Prevention (IDP). The IDS system defends you against cyber attacks in advance. When the IPS system identifies malicious behavior, it blocks those packets.

Office service


Hackers have recently gotten more serious, adding harmful malware to high-traffic websites. When an unwary visitor clicks on this site, a virus, worm, or other dangerous code may be downloaded to the unwary PC. Gateway AV prevents these attacks by scanning all HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP, and FTP traffic for malicious code and restricting access to compromised sites.

Remote Monitoring

Web Content Filtering

ITX's firewall management services keep you informed about what's going on in your network, from the most popular programs running and websites being viewed to which users are connected to the VPN. Web content filtering allows you to take the next step in implementing corporate rules related to preventing illegal browsing.

Strengthen the Security with Firewall Managed Services

ITX Managed Firewall solution provides enterprise-grade protection for enterprises and their workers for a fraction of the expense of hiring a single security analyst in-house. Learn more about the features available.

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